When The Actions You're Taking In Your Hollywood Career Aren't Getting You Where You Want To Be

One of the most common mistakes I see people making when pursuing their Hollywood dream is a lack of strategy.

I know it sounds crazy because most people believe there is no possible strategy when it comes to a Hollywood dream, but after working in the industry for 9 years, I promise you, it does exist and you should be using it.

Honestly, I could talk FOREVER about strategy, so I’ll save most of it for another day…

Here is how you can get strategic in your day-to-day actions: 


Most people spend way too much time on, what I call, Soft Actions.

Soft Actions are actions that don’t lead directly to a result. They aren’t bad—in fact, you can certainly still do them—but it’s a big problem when you spend most of your time on them.

Let me give you a tangible example...an analogy that basically blew my mind when I experienced it:

My skin wasn’t doing so hot when I moved to LA -- the water is dry and different here (yuck!). So I Yelped my way to a pretty fabulous facialist. After my facial, the woman asked me what cleanser I was using to fight acne. 

I replied, “I use Cetaphil. It’s a gentle cleanser, so I know it’s safe for my skin!”

She said, “That’s great. But what are you using to FIGHT acne??”

That’s when I had my Oh-Shit moment.

 Soft Actions are the equivalent of using a gentle cleanser—it’s not bad for you, but it’s not going to get you the results you desire.

Examples of Soft Actions in Hollywood: researching, going to class, rehearsing, making business cards, etc.


Hard Actions are the equivalent of the acne-fighting cleanser. They are the actions that get you results directly.

For example, if you want to be an actor, a Hard Action would be auditioning. Auditioning is an action that leads directly to your desired result.

You can use a mix of Soft and Hard Actions as you pursue your dream. Just be careful not to spend your time ONLY doing Soft Actions… 

Cause here’s the thing: Hard Actions are usually outside of your comfort zone. That’s why people avoid them. They bring up all kinds of resistance, and when you give in to that resistance, you’re doing yourself a disservice. 

Push through that fear. You can do this! Remember, on the other side of those Hard Actions (and the fear) is your DREAM JOB!!!