
We hear it all the time, “I just got lucky!” It’s the mantra so many share in their Hollywood success stories. As that data gets stored into our subconscious, it becomes proof for our minds that this Hollywood thing we’re trying to do is near impossible, and, most importantly, completely out of our control.

I’m here to change that story. Because the truth is that luck is achievable, repeatable, and completely accessible.

Luck is an illusion. It’s a word people use when they can’t explain the role they’ve played. But we have the power to create our reality, so any “lucky” circumstances can be 100% intentional.

In reality, luck is simply opportunity.

That’s it.

Luck is a door opening.

So how can we create that for ourselves?

As Jack Canfield says, “Success leaves clues.”

So all we have to do is follow the clues.

All we have to do is reverse engineer how doors have opened for other people.

After a decade of working in Hollywood booking 39 television shows in my own career, and guiding clients to another 22 (and counting) TV + film projects, the data is clear:

There are 4 elements that, if used consistently together, always open doors.