No light at the end of the tunnel

August marks my 9th year in Los Angeles.

I’m so proud of where I am right now, and what I’ve done with these past 9 years.

But I’m able to appreciate my success so much more because of how hard it was for me in the beginning.

When my first TV show was cancelled (R.I.P. “Trust Me”), I couldn’t find another job for 9 months. 

It was when the economy crashed, so I couldn’t even get a day job. 

Those 9 months tore me apart.

After moving 3,000 miles to pursue a dream at which I was clearly failing, I became depressed and questioned my purpose.

The worst part of it all was the humiliation I felt every time friends or family would check in and say, “Hey! What are you working on?” 

It’s embarrassing enough to say, “Nothing” once.

But to have to repeat it over and over, even after several months had past, became too much for me to bear.

So I shut everyone out.

I stopped answering texts and phone calls.

I said “No” to every suggestion because I couldn’t get the courage to admit I needed help.

9 months. 

Easily the worst 9 months of my life.

I was so deep in it, I couldn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. 

But here I am, 9 years later.

Clearly, there was a light.

And now I want to be that light for you.

When I finally accepted help, it changed my life.

I booked Glee, and 25 more TV shows after that.

Raymond Holliwell says, “Most all the failures and defeats in life are due to mental blindness...When man’s mind is confused by fear, he is in no condition to accept an opportunity.”

I was blinded by my own mind and fears. I wasn’t letting opportunities in. 

It’s really difficult to see our own blocks.

That’s why we get stuck.

We want things to change, but have no idea we are responsible for what needs to change.

If you’re feeling stuck, let’s talk.

Let me be the light you’ve been looking for.